This was going to be a Facebook status, but it quickly snowballed into something more.
You don’t get to be my friend if you can’t see that there are some pretty serious problems with institutionalized racism, sexism, classism in this country.

After seeing an awful exchange on one friend’s feed, and some terrible stuff on several others, let me just say a few things:

1) If you think Trump is “just telling it like it is”, GTF off my page. I do not want you here. He’s not telling anything “like it is”. He’s a classless, bigoted jackass who has no idea what the hell he’s doing – he can barely maintain his own company. Do you honestly think he can run a country?!
No, don’t actually answer that. If you’re going to defend him, unfriend me; I’m not going to listen. #byefelicia

2) If you honestly believe that feminism is about bringing men down, GTFO. Feminism is about lifting women.
End of story.

3) If your feminism doesn’t include people of color, you’re doing it wrong.

4) If you have a problem with POC simply because they are not white – GTFO. I have no time for that b.s.
Racism has no place in my life. EVER.

5) Men can love men and women can love women. The LGBTQ community isn’t a religion trying to convert you. People just want to love who they love.And if you honestly believe that gay marriage is going to ruin your straight marriage – your problem is not gay marriage.

6) If you believe the hashtags “AllLivesMatter” or “NotAllMen” are about equality, you’re wrong. They were started as a way silence the oppressed. BlackLivesMatter and YesAllWomen isn’t about you; stop trying to make it about you.

7) Job title does not determine someone’s value as a person. If you think it does, GTFO. You don’t get to belittle people because they aren’t saving lives every day. You don’t get to turn your nose at someone because they do. Jobs are important, no matter what the job is. Jobs are what keep our economy running.

8) Income doesn’t determine someone’s value. Accidents can change a life. Hard work can change a life.
Who the hell do you think you are to judge someone based on their net-worth?

9) Do you know who you can judge? Assholes. Judge people on their attitude, not their appearance.

10) If you think a woman shouldn’t have sovereignty over her own body, GTFO. No, seriously; just go. Planned Parenthood (as well as other clinics) isn’t just about abortions. Birth control isn’t about having all the sex we want. You (men and women alike) don’t get to high-five at your male friends for having sex with multiple women, only to turn around and call the women ‘sluts’. Just STAHP.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to be a woman here.
Very soon, I may have no access to quality reproductive health support because some upper-class, middle-aged white men (and some women!) think they know more about my uterus than I do.
People who don’t know the difference between a vagina and a vulva.
People who put more stock in a clump of cells that couldn’t support itself outside the womb than the woman carrying it. People who would complain about a mother asking for assistance after being forced to have a baby – calling her a free-loading drain on society.
People who think rape is acceptable because a woman “was asking for it” based on what she wore, or how much she had to drink, or because she “owed” him sex for buying dinner.
Fuck that noise.

11) It doesn’t matter what I wear or how I wear it. I can drink whatever the hell I want. You aren’t entitled to my body. I’m only “asking for it” if I ask you for it.
Does that really need to be clarified?

12) The thing that makes us different from the other animals? Choice. We have choices. We make choices.
All. The. Time.
Don’t give me that “they/he/she couldn’t control themselves” bullshit. The instances in which a person cannot control themselves are rare; I’m not buying it.

13) Your religion does not get to dictate anyone else’s life.
When folks go on tirades about teaching doctrine in schools, for example, ask yourself – “Who’s doctrine?”
You do realize that there are THOUSANDS of religions out there, right? Why is yours more right than anyone else’s? I don’t have a problem with people having a religion. I don’t care what you practice. Just don’t be an ass. Similarly, if you don’t have a religion, you don’t automatically get to be a douche to the people that do. Unless they are jerks; then, by all means, give ’em hell.

14)  Age does not automatically qualify you for respect.
You earn that shit.
If you’re a jerk to me (or anyone), I am under no obligation to respect you.

15) Don’t. Be. An. Ass.

16) You actually don’t have to agree with me.We have the option to disagree and not ever talk about these things OR just not talk to each other ever again.I’m fine with either.I won’t start fights on your page if you don’t start fights on mine.
